Current Louisiana Coggins Requirements
Louisiana Requirements
EIA regulations vary from state to state. In Louisiana, all horses are required to have a Coggins test performed annually. Foals are required to be tested no later than one year after the foal is born. Animals testing positive for EIA in Louisiana must be euthanized or sold for slaughter only. All animals located within 200 yards of an animal testing positive for EIA are subject to quarantine and require a minimum 30-day negative test before a quarantine release can be issued. Additionally, horses sold in Louisiana must have a negative test within six months of the transfer date.
Currently there is no effective treatment, cure or vaccine for EIA. Although the survival rate of horses infected with EIA is high, those animals become lifelong carriers and threaten the health of their offspring and other horses. To diminish the effect this contagious disease has on the general horse population, it is important for owners to follow their state’s regulatory laws and to implement proper biosecurity practices.